Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Exotic Travel (via "blogging") to Thailand!

So this fellow here, Mr. Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, now gets to run Thailand. He has taken over the family business of running the country from his long-lost brother, Mr. Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, in order to keep things lively over there. Apparently Mr. ex-Thaksin did not do some things very well, because his pops kicked him out when he went away to visit the Nations United in New York City (USA). Somewhere along the way, Mr. King Bhumibol Adulyadej decided it would be best to have a new prime minister and now Mr. Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont rules things over there in Thailand.

The King seems to have most of the things over control there in Thailand, though, because he told the Associated Press in an article done by the Microsoft National Broadcasting Corporation news company:
“Many people are saying bad things about Thai people,” the king said. “Foreigners say that Thailand is not good. So we have to correct that. If we don’t correct it, the reputation of our country will be bad.”
This Mr. King fellow seems to have very many brains to making comments so clear and correct as these. In fact, I am not even sure how anyone could argue with his statement!

So, seeing this intelligence of the King, and saying first off that I don't know very much about the things happening in far off lands, it does seem to me that it would be better to be a King than a Prime Minister. (Someone correct me if I am wrong here in this guessing...) After all, I believe it was the Lion King who once said, "I just can't wait to be king!" I have never heard of any lions saying something like, "I just can't wait to be the Prime Minister!" Maybe though some lions might say, "I just got made the new Prime Minister?" (Hint: the question mark means the second lion is confused.)

So why does Mr. Surayud decide to become Prime Minister instead of being the new King Bumibol Adulyadej? This sounds like a great question to ask him someday, but right now he is very busy making with the new martial law over there in Thailand. So maybe we can instead get the investigative reporters of the Associated Press to some discovering instead. We'll see!

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