Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mr. President Bush = Brilliance!

Once again, the Mr. President George W. Bush has demonstrated his overly incredible intelligence at being the smartest man alive! Just recently, Mr. Bush wrote up a law that he signed at a recent party with his best friends to make sure that the USA treats people very well. According to our friends over on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean (one of four major oceans in our world) in the land called the United Kingdom or sometimes Britain (and once in a while English), our President said:
"These military commissions will provide a fair trial in which the accused are presumed innocent, have access to an attorney, and can hear all the evidence against them. These military commissions are lawful, they are fair, and they are necessary."
At the same time, this new law of ours also:
The bill forbids treatment of detainees that would constitute war crimes - such as torture, rape and biological experiments - but gives the president the authority to decide which other techniques interrogators can use.

At the tribunals, defendants will be allowed to see some - but not necessarily all - of the evidence against them. The law also bars non-US citizens from filing habeas corpus petitions challenging their detentions in federal court.
But really, that must be the very brilliance of this smart and intelligent manuevering by our President. I'm not a real expert on the laws or on the politics (but I do like to read about both of them) so I don't know how a law can do all these great things our President says and also do these other things at the same time. But really, that just proves my point of our smart President here!

I wonder what great laws our President Mr. Bush will make in the future? Probably some really good ones if we give him enough time, so maybe we should all vote for him in the next presidential election. We'll see what happens!

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