Thursday, October 19, 2006

God Loves Michelle Bachmann!

Well, Ms. Michell Bachmann, who is a hopeful candidate for the Congress in the Sixth District in Minnesota has found out that God really loves her a lot. I mean, I am talking about more than God loves most other people (He never told me to run for an election before...). I guess Ms. Bachmann prayed and didn't eat for three days and then God told her she should run for Congress! That's pretty lucky for her!

I guess this fellow here, Mr. Mac Hammond, even said he would vote for Ms. Bachmann personally, even though his chuch cannot vote her! Then it turns out that the Pastor Hammond cannot even vote for Ms. Bachmann. I mean, that tells you right there that she must be a really great politician for someone who can't even vote for her to try to do it anyway.

See, my question is though, what's with the need for elections for Ms. Bachmann anyway? Because if the God of everything already wants her in, and people who can't vote for her want her to be the next Congresswoman for the Sixth District for Minnesota in the House of Representatives, what is the real point to even do some elections?

I don't really know what other people think, but I am a big fan of not making the God really angry. I hear He has done some bad things before in the past to people that weren't really at the top of his list. And voting against God is probably a certain way to get to His list there right near the top of it. So really, we all should probably hope that Ms. Bachmann gets to be in the Congress because we don't really want to die by God. Let's go Ms. Bachmann 2006!

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