Thursday, October 12, 2006

Uh Oh Congressman! (Part 2 AKA Not Mr. Foley)

This fellow (not Horatio Sans, but the other guy), Mr. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader of the Senate, just turned out to have told a big lying. He did this lie a while ago, but no one found out about it until now. Mr. Reid's troubles began a long time ago in a land far away called "Las Vegas." (A geographical note: I am not sure where "Las Vegas" is, but it sounds exotic, like perhaps it is in the continent of France or Europe somewhere.)

From the Post of Washington:
Reid and his wife purchased the land in Clark County, on the outskirts of Las Vegas, in 1998 for $400,000. The acquisition was done in tandem with an adjacent property that was bought by Reid's friend of 35 years, Jay Brown, a former casino lawyer whose name has surfaced over the years in organized-crime investigations, according to the AP. Brown has never been charged with criminal wrongdoing, the AP added.
Apparently Reid made the property for a business later, but did not tell his friends doing lawmaking that he didn't own the land anymore. Not very much later, he sold it and made some monies when he got $1.1 millions of dollars for the sale.

So now Mr. Reid has lots of monies to do things like build a new home, buy some children, or eat a lot of candy. He could probably even go into business for himself for saying something like: "If you give me monies, I can make a laws for you!" Maybe this business plan would not work so well though, because right now Mr. Reid was supposed to be beating up some Republicans to try to make some progress in these elections we are having next month in November. So maybe this would be a bad thing to say out loud, but maybe he could still say that sort of thing in private.

I'm not really so smart about politics, but I think Mr. Reid might "borrow" the plan of Mr. Foley to try to dodge these claims. For example, he could say, "I am addicted to snow cones and was eating very many of the snow cones when I made this land transfer, and again when I made the lies, and again when I sold it, and again right now!" Then he could check into the premiere rehab clinic for such snow cone addicts. That would be a sad story if it turns out to be true, so let's hope that Mr. Reid instead can overcome these battles and go forward in the elections fighting! Stay strong Mr. Reid!

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