Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wow, you are lucky!

This is my number second post of the morning already. I feel like you are very taken aback by my overwhelming generosity and should be amazed that a person who is as busy as me has the time to even spend his time writing two notes in one day! If I am not a proflific "blogging" I don't know who is!

So let's see what is going on in our world today:

For starters, Mr. Mark Foley appears to have gotten himself into trouble recently. And to top things off, he makes him self scarce by resigning, checking into rehab, and admitting he was molested himself as a child.

Lessons We Have Learned

If you want to write dirty emails and make teenage pages very afraid of you, here is your checklist:

1) Drink a lot of alcohols
2) Send naughty emails
3) Pay a lot of money to people running the elections campaigning
4) Blame the alcohols (but do so indirectly and discretely, lawyers are particularly good at these revelations)
5) Reveal a stunning dark secret from your past (see the note for number 4)

Voila! You are now free from getting the first through fifth degrees from anyone on your own destructive behavior. In fact, if you time your resignation and fall from grace carefully, you may get your superiors (like the man who speaks for your whole office) into trouble and accidentally (wink, wink) cause your peers to all lose their jobs in a few weeks.

Will this diabolical scheme be successful? Will the world explode? Will more people follow this plan? Only time will tell!

P.S. I think it's possible Mr. Foley stole his routine from Mr. Mel Gibson. My investigators are still discovering the roots of this matter and will report back soon on the results.

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